Extreme Makeover: Carole James Edition
It appears the Keith Baldrey article of a few weeks back praising BC Liberal Carole Taylor while questioning the leadership abilities of NDP head Carole James has really gotten to James. So much so, that the folks from Extreme Makeover have been brought in!
"It's true", our NDP source confirmed, "Carole J needs to make MAJOR changes if she hopes to keep NDP leader in waiting Mike Farnworth off her butt and her party alive."
This may be accurate, but what can the Extreme Makeover team do?
"We have tackled bigger projects but none as challenging as this," the representative from EM proclaimed. So what can we expect? "Well, on the face we have to strip away the tired look. We will be sucking out the fat that has accumulated over the years and frankly try to breathe some life into the dead body."
Yikes! Even for this humble Blog the derogatory remarks about Carole James' face, her fat and dead body are over the top for us! So we have to take issue with the EM spokesperson.
"Negative comments about Carole James?!", the EM rep stammered, "We're talking about the NDP as a whole! I mean, the face the Dippers put forward with their tired policies needs major work. They have been living off the fat of the land for way too long and so far in this Legislative session have been as effective as a stump. If this is not a call for an Extreme Makeover, I don't know what is!"
Greggor has to be the biggest disapointment of them all. He is useless.
Mike Farnworth has been the biggest disappointment. Remember as Opposition House Leader he is the second most powerful person in the NDP Caucus.
What has he accomplished? A disheartened and disillusioned caucus who have yet to break a story during the course of this entire sitting.
QP strategy comes from reading the newspaper and listening to the media.
Research and preparation are none existent...and this guy fancies himself as leader ya right. Its looking more and more like Adrian and Corky fighting for support.
I can't believe the people elected Farnworth in POCO when he lives in Vancouver and seldom visits his Riding.
I heard him and his boyfriend moved back to Poco, somewhere near a pig farm.
bc poly blog?
looks like more a liberal poly blog... or maybe with that last comment a blog for the bigots
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